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Alarm Clock: Peristence Module
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Sandwich Sundays: Part 8

The Sugar Shack: Dessert Special

A homage to the sweeter side of sandwich making... I present a cavity-creating, sugar-rushing, saliva-generating sensation of candy and ice cream of epic proportions.

This sandwich creates instant regret that I used my allowance money as a child for Pokemon cards rather than make these.

Check out more pictures and a full description of this sweety and learn if I was able to best my childhood ambitions.

Arduino: Alarm Clock Persistance Module

Arduino programmable controllers are a basic part of many home-brewed applications, ranging from humanthesizers to high-speed photography rigs.

I decided to take on the goal of learning how to programme with this little guy as an entry to programmable control and automation, which may become useful in workplace projects and for home automation projects.

Check out my progress, projects, and favourites from around the web.


Google is great for finding sites and information you're looking for... but what about computational data.

Wolfram|Alpha is the search-engine answer for computational data. You can search for thermodynamic values, calculate integrals, and find historical statistics for weather in your hometown. You don't need to know any advanced syntax and there are plenty examples to help introduce you to this wealth of knowledge.

Check out some of my favourite examples from this site that might prove useful to you. Also see some "widgets" I created for fast access to certain calculations.

These fine gents will have the site running in a giffy
Soon to be on this site:
These fine gents will have the site running in a giffy
Soon to be on this site: