Company Bio - Zeton

Designer and builder of innovative lab scale systems, pilot plants, demonstration plants and small modular commercial plants, Zeton serves a multitude of industries from mining to chemical and althenative fuels to petroleum products.
The company was founded in 1986 and is based in Burlington, Canada.
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Company Bio - Neo Performance Materials

Neo Performance Materials Limited (NPML) in Peterborough, (previously Recapture Metals) recovers and upgrades Gallium, Indium, Rhenium and other specialty metals used in: semi-conductor components and circuitry, consumer electronics applications, super-alloys and catalysts for the aviation industry, and alloys for electrical contact points, flashbulbs, heating elements, etc.
NPML has recently been acquired by Molycorp, a rare earths and rare metals company.
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me Erik Gaspar


About Me

Hello, My name is Erik Gaspar

I am a recent graduate of the University of Waterloo's Chemical Engineering BASc. programme. I have the interest and desire to further my education by pursuing a Master's degree at Canadian University, with a particular interest in the field of Process Control.

Process control and automation have been fascinating to me ever since I could comprehend what automation was. Over the years, I have built an appreciation for the vast and diverse applications of process control: the ability to precisely tailor a process to your needs; the ability to generate products within smaller and smaller variances, producing less waste, and achieving greater efficiency; safety and fault management; as well as the inevitable "cool" factor to having a plant monitor and control itself.

One very appealing aspect of process control is the breadth of application. Almost any industry can hope to benefit it's process by employing some form of process control. The technology is even becoming more accessible to lab-scale and pilot-plant-scale operations.

Contained on this site is a collection of who I am, what I have done, and clues to who I might become, given the right opportunities. Please feel free to browse my resume and contact me if you are interested in a discussion or have something cool you want to share with me. Eventually, I will have a "print-friendly" version of my resume available here. For now, get lost in the cheesy animations and pretty colours.


Skills Summary

  • Determined and self-motivated, especially in research.
  • Work well independently, autonomous.
  • Strong, assertive communicator.
  • Attention to detail; thoroughness in investigation.
  • Able to learn new skills and adapt quickly.
  • Adept problem-solver and innovator.

Computer Proficiency

  • Strong knowledge in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point; as well as general computer use.
  • Familiar with Matlab and VBA (macros); HTML and CSS coding; Arduino; FileMaker and general computer logic
  • Basic 3-D modelling experience using SolidWorks 3D, Google SketchUp.
  • Strong aptitude for learning new languages/environments for wide ranging solutions to complex problems.
Work History

Zeton Inc. Pilot Plants

Burlington ON, Sept - Dec 2011

Engineering Assistant

  • Development of project-tracking database for use in a paperless and mobile environment
  • Creation and use of VBA macros for specific tasks and for general productivity tools, including handling data.
  • Integral part of an engineering team through process design, consultation, procurement, and construction.
  • Experience in selection and sizing of control valves and other instrumentation.
  • Work closely with experts versed in many fields (mining, chemical, alternative fuels, etc.)

Neo Performance Materials

Peterborough ON, Jan - Apr 2011

R&D Laboratory Technologist

  • Conducted formal statistical analysis on factorial design experiments to optimize indium oxide production.
  • Helped develop and perform preliminary experiments for gallium shot and gallium chloride production.
  • Initiated investigation to determine the source of product contamination throughout 4N indium oxide process.
  • Assembled and operated continuous cascading reactor process for gallium leaching.
  • Commissioned and developed internal SOP for CILAS Particle Size Analyser; conducted analysis on samples.

Natural Resources Canada

Ottawa ON, May - Aug 2011

Student Designer

  • Modified existing hot cyclone reactor to optimize heating for pyrolysis and provide optimum coal feed rate.
  • Suggested new ideas to improve performance and implemented said plans by working with specialized technicians.
  • Rendered conceptual designs in 3-D and 2-D modelling for technical scale drawings.
  • Conducted self-directed experimental design, ran experiments, and analyzed and presented data.

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Bachelor of Applied Science

Waterloo ON, 2007-2012

Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo

Present: Candidate for BASc

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